
48° 22.74' N | 016° 19.44' E | 185 meter | Show on map

Yearly Weather Summary

2024-07-27 10:00:00

Station:Vantage Pro2
Software:weewx v5.0.2
Weewx uptime:4856335 seconds
Server uptime:12528229 seconds

Calendar Year

High Temperature34,4°C2024-06-30 16:36:35
Low Temperature-11,9°C2024-01-10 05:00:01
High Heat Index39,0°C2024-06-30 16:36:35
Low Wind Chill-17,8°C2024-01-09 06:15:56
High Dewpoint23,5°C2024-06-21 15:04:19
Low Dewpoint-14,3°C2024-01-10 05:00:01
High Humidity91%2024-01-01 09:07:55
Low Humidity27%2024-03-26 14:24:32
High Barometer1038,8 hPa2024-01-28 10:37:01
Low Barometer986,9 hPa2024-03-28 02:02:01
High Wind Speed63 km/h 134°2024-03-26 14:24:50
Average Wind7 km/h
RMS Wind9 km/h
Vector Average Speed2 km/h
Vector Average Direction254°
High Inside Temperature27,4°C2024-07-18 13:29:58
Low Inside Temperature16,9°C2024-01-10 13:35:57
High Pond Temp37,8°C2024-07-26 18:10:54
Low Pond Temp-12,8°C2024-01-10 04:58:15
High UV5,62024-07-07 13:08:54
Low UV0,02024-01-01 02:19:03
High ET0,8 mm2024-04-30 14:00:00
Low ET0,0 mm2024-01-01 00:05:00
High Radiation1257 W/m²2024-05-18 11:59:18
Low Radiation0 W/m²2024-01-01 01:36:47

Rain Year (1-Jän start)

Rain Year Total346,4 mm
High Rain Rate13107,0 mm/h2024-01-01 00:00:01

Yearly Statistics and Plots

temperatures heatchill Daily highs and lows for the year rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector UV Index Radiation UV Index year rx percent Pond Temperatures